IMPORTANT INFORMATION - * * *DUE TO CUSTOMIZATION AND SAFETY RISKS THIS ITEM CANNOT BE RETURNED * * * Do not use breaking strength for design or rating purposes. Use working load limit instead. PHAT SATELLITE INTL assumes no responsibility for the use, misuse or misapplication of its products. Products are sold with the specific understanding that the purchaser and/or user are thoroughly familiar with their proper use.
CABLE SPECIFICATION - 5 feet, Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Wire Rope with Clear Vinyl Coating. 1/4" Overall Diameter. Cable has Looped Ends That are Clamped With Aluminum Sleeves.
CABLE ASSEMBLY - The core diameter at the center is 3/16". The cable is constructed with 7 strands, each containing 19 wires for increased flexibility and strength. The breaking strength of the cable is 4200lbs.
SUITABLE ANYWHERE – These cables offer durability, flexibility, moderate resistance to corrosion and suitable for indoor outdoor purposes. Because this wire is strong and has non-rusting properties it can serve a number of purposes to your home, property or equipment.
CUSTOMIZED CUT - These cables are customized cut to order and tailors to any project that requires a specific length.